To acquire an NFT, you need to connect your wallet to Prom. For this, click the "Connect wallet" button in the right corner of the page:
To explore games currently available at PROM, visit the Marketplace:
To make the most of your search, you can use such game filters as a genre, compatible device, F2P, and others.
To see all NFTs, switch to "NFTs":
To narrow your search and find more details on exact assets, click on the cards in the search results.
Click "Buy Now" and confirm the transactions. If the NFT you need is not related to the network of your wallet, switch to the required wallet network.
Before buying an NFT, check whether you have enough funds in your wallet. Remember that you need to pay gas fees. Gas fees for Polygon or Binance Smart Chain are not huge. Meanwhile, the ones for Ethereum are significantly higher.
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