NFTs are stored in crypto wallets with unique addresses recorded on a blockchain. Thus, to pay for NFT and store it, you need one.
If you are a beginner, we recommend you to use MetaMask as a mobile app or a desktop browser extension. Download it from official sources for:
Next, launch it and create a new cryptocurrency wallet. The process is intuitive, but, to prevent potential hacks, we recommend you to:
1) Store your private key and Secret Recovery Phrase physically. For instance, as a handwritten note in a book, Never use digital mediums such as screenshots or photos.
2) Keep your private key or Secret Recovery Phrase secret. Don't share it with anyone. In particular, PROM or any PROM representatives will never ask to disclose this information even for troubleshooting.
Apart from the private key, you'll receive the public key, that can be shared to receive money. Your public key is displayed on the main screen of your MetaMask wallet and can be copied in a click:
Congrats! Once you have a wallet, you may own an NFT. The only step left is to get some cryptocurrency. Learn how to acquire it in this article.
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