Borrowing an NFT is a great way to try a game, which requires having certain assets, without investing much.
Do you already know, which game you need NFTs for? If yes, start with a second chapter ("Create a SafeVault"). If no, then we recommend reading from the first chapter.
1. Choose a game
Visit Marketplace to see games which have their NFTs listed on Prom for sale or rental.
Use filters to make the most of your search: choose by favourite genre, compatible device, look for free-to-play titles, and so on:
On a game's page, you can find useful information. Switch to "FAQ" tab to get answers like "What one needs to start playing this game":
When you've chosen a game, check out:
- which NFTs are required to start playing (e.g. one Hero);
- which chain a game is based on.
2. Create a SafeVault
You need to create a SafeVault – this is a special decentralised wallet which is needed to temporarily store someone's NFTs, when you are borrowing them.
Click the "Connect wallet" button in the right corner of the page:
If you don't have a crypto wallet, learn how to get one in this article, it's easy.
After connecting your wallet, click on its address in the upper right corner of the page and choose "Vaults". In this section you can create and manage SafeVaults.
You need a separate SafeVault for each chain. Each SafeVault is created on a certain chain (e.g. Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, etc.) and only NFTs belonging to this very chain can be stored in the vault. We recommend creating a separate SafeVault for a game.
Mind that vault creation implies a small gas fee, as vault is blockchain-based.
3. Choose and borrow an NFT
Return to the game's page and switch to NFTs tab. Choose"Rental" listing type:
You will see NFTs available for rental for a desired game. To narrow your search on exact parameters, use filters on the left side.
In the search results you can see available rent duration (any duration can be chosen within the stated gap) and the price per hour or per day:
When you've decided which NFTs to borrow, double check out the chains these NFTs are on. Before you can proceed to borrowing, you must have SafeVaults on these chains.
Click on the chosen NFT to open the page with detailed information about an asset:
Click "Borrow" to see and confirm rental parameters. You are going to pay rental price with gas fee related to this transaction, at the moment you approve rental:
Confirm all transactions in your Metamask or another wallet. In case of successful transaction you will see a message:
That's it! You don't have to do something to return an NFT, an owner will claim it back.
Be sure you've ended gaming and claimed earned tokens before your rental expires. Otherwise, you risk losing access to what you've earned. Learn how to play with a borrowed NFT in this article.
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