To lend out an NFT, you need to list it on Prom for rental, set the price and preferred duration, and wait for a borrower. When a borrower confirms rental, it will start automatically and you'll receive stated rental fee into your wallet.
Don't worry, the rental is completely safe as you don't lose ownership on the asset. During a rental, an NFT is transferred to a blockchain-based SafeVault, which stores your NFT and prevents it from transferring, burning, changes in metadata and other risks.
Connect your wallet to see gaming NFTs you own and choose ones to list for rental. Click on your address in the top right corner of a page and select "Owned NFTs":
Choose an NFT to open its page. Here you can set and manage listings for sale and rental. By the way, you can list an NFT for sale and for rental simultaneously!
Click "List for rental" to set the desired price and the rental duration period which is comfortable for you. A borrower will be able to choose certain rental duration within the period you stated:
Then click "Next" to proceed to approving the transactions (there will be two of them):
Congratulations, you've listed your NFT! Now all you need is to wait for the borrower to come. You'll receive rental fee when somebody will start the rental.
When the rental expires, you can claim your NFT back, so that a borrower has no more access to it. For this, go to "Owned NFTs" – "Lent out" and click "Claim".
After you've claimed your NFT back, you may set up a new rental or/and sale listing.
You can edit or cancel your listing any time before someone has borrowed your NFT.
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